Nutrition, Health & Wellness Rachel Pelletier Nutrition, Health & Wellness Rachel Pelletier

5 Healthy Tips to Tackle Turkey Day

Enjoying the holidays while still prioritizing your health can sometimes seem stressful. But I’m here to tell you that with proper planning you can do it! Let’s break down my top 5 strategies for a happy and healthy Turkey Day.

Enjoying the holidays while still prioritizing your health can sometimes seem stressful. But I’m here to tell you that with proper planning you can do it! Let’s break down my top 5 strategies for a happy and healthy Turkey Day.

  • Move. Raise your hand if you've ever had a Thanksgiving that looked a little something like this: sitting, eating, talking, watching football, still sitting, still eating… Well, if your hand is up, you are not alone! All that sitting may seem like a good idea at the time, but I assure you that a day of couch potatoing is not working in your favor. This is why it is so important to schedule some structured movement into your day. I promise you do not have to go out and run a 5k Turkey Trot or sign up for a crazy bootcamp class. Just make it a priority to work 30 minutes of productive movement into your day. Walking is always my go-to!

    *For those of you who plan to take on the epic role of chef for the day, it is extra important for you to plan exactly when those 30 minutes of movement are going to take place. Cooking or not, it can be easy to let the opportunity for physical activity to slip away!

  • Drink water. Not only is staying hydrated important for the overall function of your body, but it can also help you navigate how hungry you truly are. Often times many find themselves over-eating because their body is actually craving water, not food. I am not saying you can’t have some of your favorite red wine or seasonal cocktail… just remember to mix in a glass of water for every other drink!

  • Eat a wholesome breakfast. I can’t tell you how many times I hear people don’t eat breakfast on Thanksgiving to “save room” for everything they want to eat later. Eating a healthy breakfast will help you kickstart your metabolism for the day and help you stabilize your blood sugar levels. If you skip breakfast, you will be way more likely to load your plate up with a larger portion of food than you normally would. What’s my favorite Thanksgiving breakfast? I love a slice of freshly baked whole wheat pumpkin bread with some hot coffee (click the link for the recipe I use). It's especially delicious when heated with peanut butter on top for some added protein.

  • Fill your plate up with half of what you initially think you want. I promise you, there will most likely be plenty of leftovers if you are still hungry and want to go back for seconds! By loading up your first plate of food with heaping piles of mashed potatoes, stuffing, and all the traditional goodies, you are likely setting yourself up for trying to achieve “clean plate club” status, even if you are full halfway through. If you take less and are still hungry… then go get more! Slow down, take your time, and actually enjoy the food you are eating.

  • If you want pie, eat pie! Thanksgiving is one day out of the whole year. Eating one piece of pie, cake, or whatever sweet indulgence catches your eye will not throw your progress off track. Interested in more than one dessert? Split them in half and try both!

 Now that doesn’t seem so bad, does it? Happy Thanksgiving to all, and remember… don’t stress, just plan ahead!

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