
The Biggest Mistake You *Might* Be Making With Your Exercise Routine

The Biggest Mistake You *Might* Be Making With Your Exercise Routine

Do you find yourself in the cycle of starting an exercise routine full steam ahead, then feeling burnt out and giving up? You go weeks, months, or years without regular exercise until you inevitably find yourself saying “okay, I need to get back on track!”

I can’t tell you how many clients seek out my help to solve this problem. Time is arguably our most precious non-renewable resource. The more time we waste starting, stopping, and restarting an exercise routine, the longer it takes us to reach our goals.

Loving Your Body: The Key to Success

Loving Your Body: The Key to Success

It’s time to break the glass ceiling on the limitations and expectations we set for ourselves, especially when it comes to our health and happiness. You can absolutely set goals and number marks, but please do not fixate on them. Living healthy is a lifestyle; a state of mind. It is not a destination to be reached, but a journey to be traveled. And if we keep waiting for “when” we get there, we miss all the happy, emotional, difficult, and rewarding times in between.